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A plant extract is a substance in a plant that is desirable for its specific property, be it aroma, taste, medicinal value, color, or any such thing. It is removed from the plant tissue by using a solvent, and undergoes various stages such as pressing, distillation, decoction, percolation, etc. for the type of extract that is needed (oils, aroma, color, etc). Below are the ingredients used in the products we currently offer. Click on each to get more information and its pharmacological actions (what the extracts do).
Muringai -Ingredients are Isotrifolin, Moringin and Moringinie, glycosides and Saponins. Pharmacological Actions: cardiotonic, protein supplement, increase libido
Licorice - Ingredients are Glycyrrhizinic acids. Pharmacological Actions: anti-infective, anti-ulcer.
morus alba
Ingredients are 1-deoxynojirimycin (Moranoline) and flavonoids. Pharmacological Actions: hypolipidarmic agent, controls blood sugar, antioxidant.
morus alba
Mulberry Leaf - Ingredients are 1-deoxynojirimycin (Moranoline) and flavonoids. Pharmacological Actions: hypolipidarmic agent, controls blood sugar, antioxidant.
Guavarin - Its ingredients are Polyphenols, Tannins, saponins, glycosides, and Guaijaverin.
Pharmacological Actions: anti-diabetic, hepato-protective, anti-diarrheal.
holy basil
Holy Basil - Its ingredients are Ursolic acid and alkaloids. Pharmacological Actions: improves skin health, anti-acne, anti-oxidant, anti-allergic.
Curcumin - Its ingredients are curcuminoids. Pharmacological Actions: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, improves respiratory health.
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